There is still time to sign the Dr Thérèse Coffey petition. The closing date for submissions is 31st January 2023. It will then be presented to the Speaker of the House, for sending on to BEIS (the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy) for their reaction.
It takes two minutes to fill it in, so we urge those who haven't signed to do so below, or pick up a copy at the Library and share with family and friends.
Yours as ever, Glynis, The SEAS Team
e: info@suffolkenergyactionsolutions.co.uk
w: https://www.suffolkenergyactionsolutions.co.uk/
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2022 12:16:11
From: Thérèse Coffey MP <therese.coffey.mp@parliament.uk
Subject: Re: Snape Village website-blog bulletin: Windpower petition (Case Ref: TC111097)
Dear Mr Stocks,
Thank you for contacting the office of Dr Thérèse Coffey MP.
We would like to thank you for circulating Dr Coffey’s energy petition. It is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Luke Watson
Parliamentary Assistant to Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey MP
Suffolk Coastal and Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
020 7219 7164 | https://www.theresecoffey.co.uk/
Disquiet with the proposed method of bringing wind power ashore is growing, and our MP Dr Thérèse Coffey has started a petition to add weight to her argument. Along with a great many others, she supports wind-generated power, but would like the windfarms to be connected out at sea, and the electricity to be brought onshore at a brownfield site. This would avoid the onshore digging of cable routes and the building of massive industrial buildings at places such as Friston and next to Snape Church.
If you agree with this viewpoint, you might consider signing Dr Coffey's petition, which can be found by following this link:
Dr Coffey (as our constituency MP) is broadly aligned with our goals
and we recommend signing her petition if you haven't done so already —
this is a two-minute job online.
Many thanks, David McKenna, Snape Energy Group | e: SEG@snapevillage.info