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Glass recycling at The Golden Key
To ensure that all your glass gets recycled, please use your nearest glass-recycling bank, which is located behind The Golden Key, in their car-park.
27 Jan, 2023
Nominations for local Elections, 4th May...
The local Elections are to take place on the 4th May 2023. The Parish Clerk will have some nomination papers available from the 17th March. Anyone considering becoming a Parish Councillor will n...
23 Jan, 2023
GAS, TUE 7th Feb: Woottens Nursery talk
On TUESDAY, 7th February, Woottens Plants of Wenhaston come to Snape Village Hall for an Open Meeting, to which all are welcome, focussing on the drought-tolerant Pelargonium genus. The evening ...
21 Jan, 2023
When the Sea Came In (1953)
On Saturday, 4th February Suffolk Archives in Fore Street, Ipswich will be holding an afternoon of talks commemorating 70 years since the deadly floods of 1953. They are widely acknowledged as the w...
16 Jan, 2023
Thérèse Coffey's windpower petition
UPDATED ON 13th JANUARY — There is still time to sign the Dr Thérèse Coffey petition. The closing date for submissions is 31st January 2023. It will then be presented to the Speaker of the Hou...
13 Jan, 2023
Use stamps before they become invalid
UPDATED ON 23rd JANUARY, 2023 — Know where your old stamps are? You now have until 31st July 2023 to use them. Alternatively swap them out, as explained below … POSTED ON 14th SEPTEMBER...
23 Jan, 2023