How the Emergency Plan can help you 

In the event of an emergency, the response of the Emergency Services may be necessarily delayed by the size of the incident or by Snape being cut off.  They may have to bring in personnel from out of the area who will not have local knowledge.

In this situation, the Emergency Plan Co-ordinators will be able to provide rapid, temporary and personal assistance to those in the village that need it.  They will have in place local volunteers who can set up shelter, provide warm food and drink — and source appropriate equipment.  They will also liaise with the Emergency Services to advise them of the situation in the village, what assistance is needed and who is most likely to need it.

You can download a copy of the Snape Emergency Plan Leaflet above.


How you can help The Plan

Snape’s Emergency Plan depends entirely on volunteers.  If you live in Snape or the immediate surrounding area — and have any particular skills or equipment, or can give of your time to help others in the community when an emergency happens — please contact the Emergency Plan Co-ordinators

It is important that our local Co-ordinators know beforehand what resources they can call on when the Emergency happens.  They currently have a significant number of volunteers, but more are always welcome.





Launch of the Community Emergency Plan

originally posted on 5th December, 2014

  Emergency Plan exhibition in the Village Hall on 4th December, 2014

On Thursday 4th December the village hall was buzzing with activity as Snape Community Group launched their Community Emergency Plan.  News reporters from BBC Look East, Radio Suffolk and the EADT joined us to hear about the plan and how it will help the village assess and manage an emergency or natural disaster in the future.  The plan is run by volunteer local Emergency Co-ordinators and has been put together as a direct response to the tidal surge which hit the village and flooded many homes as well as business premises last December.  On an ongoing basis, co-ordinators will —

● Assess local problems that may arise in the event of an emergency such as a major incident or a natural disaster.
● Seek to identify vulnerable local residents who may require assistance.
● Identify residents who have skills or equipment which can be used in the event of an emergency
● Plan for action which can be taken locally such as providing shelter, first aid and support for individuals and families in the village and liaison for emergency and other services.

It is envisaged that the Village Hall will become the hub/safety net should the village be faced with any major problems in the future.  We are currently applying for funding to provide an external electric point for a generator as well as other items to make sure the hall is well equipped to provide hot drinks, food and warmth for local residents should it be required.

Thank you to The Environment Agency, The Alde and Ore Partnership, the RAYNET team, and several of the co-ordinators who provided information on the day and all who joined us to hear about the plan as well as those who helped out in the kitchen with the refreshments etc.