- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
What we do
- Organisations' Reports, May 2024
- Bobby Buddies
- Church of St John the Baptist
- Coffee Mornings (2nd Thursdays)
- 5 in a Bar
- The Friends of Snape Church (FoSC)
- GAS (Girls about Snape)
- Sn Good Neighbour Scheme
- GreenSnape
- Meet-Up-Mondays
- Playing Field
- Sn Primary School
- Priory Wood
- Snooker Club
- Tennis Court
- Wheelchair mobility for Snape
⬅ Many of our village organisations
and activities have their own webpages.
Beyond what is listed on the menu (left),
summary information on regular events and smaller groups can be found on our «Contacts» webpage
for such as the allotments, Royal British Legion (Snape & Farnham Branch),
Fête/Fun Day, Grumpy Old Men, Litter Pick and Table Tennis.
Regular events at the Village Hall are listed on the «Calendar».