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EA1N Utility surveys and associated traf...
UPDATED ON 6th JUNE — Just a reminder that there will be temporary traffic-lights at the A1094/B1069 junction, the "Leiston turn-off", this Thursday, 8th June. POSTED ON 25th MAY — In the...
25 May, 2023

Walducks' May Wanderings
Lesley of GreenSnape has been out and about again with her camera recently …
"Petersfield" field pansies
cow parsley at Eastbridge
thrift and tamarisk at Minsmere...
22 May, 2023

Coronation Service, 7th May 2023
Subject: Snape Parish Church - Coronation Service, 7th May 2023 From: Paul Richards Date: 21/05/2023, 15:18 To: Steve Stocks <webmaster@snapevillag...
21 May, 2023

ESC Elections: Declaration of Result
East Suffolk Council Election of District Councillors to Aldeburgh & Leiston District Ward on Thursday, 4 May 2023 — I, Chris Bally, being the Returning Officer at the above election, DO HERE...
05 May, 2023

TODAY! Playing Field AGM
The AGM of the Playing Field Committee will be held (THIS EVENING) Monday, 8th May at 7:15pm in the Village Hall. The Committee needs a few more volunteers;in particular, someone to take on the...
08 May, 2023

Snape Art Trail, 24th June
REMINDER POSTED ON 27th MAY — Dear Artists and art appreciators, Please see the flyer below, inviting you to the Snape Art Trail. Also, please contact John if you are at all interested in subm...
27 May, 2023

Annual Parish Meeting, Tue 23 May 5:45pm...
A GENTLE REMINDER about Tuesday's Annual Parish Meeting (see below) for which village organisations' annual reports are now urgently required, thank you. The meeting includes an RSPB talk about M...
21 May, 2023

Coronation Day Celebration images
UPDATE ON THURSDAY, 11th MAY — The Coronation celebrations were enjoyed on the 6th at Snape Church — rather cold and wet, but very much enjoyed by a huge number of residents who attended. See a...
11 May, 2023