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Best Decorated House competition
Well, here we are, almost into June — so let's enjoy the long-awaited Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Snape! Get out the red, white and blue flags, and bunting, ready for the «Best Decorated House»...
31 May, 2022
Theatre-solo fundraiser at the Church
On Saturday, 16th July, Snape Church will host Georgina Lock’s solo-show, The Walled-Up Woman, which she performs in the character of a medieval anchoress. Anchoresses were lay women who chose lone...
28 May, 2022
Benhall & Sternfield Jubilee Exhib.times...
[updated with more detailed times] Benhall & Sternfield History Group are holding a "Jubilee Exhibition 1887-2002" at the Benhall Club, School Lane, Benhall Green, IP17 1HE from Wednesday 1...
31 May, 2022
Benefice QPJ Walk and Lunch
As part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, there'll be a walk from Sternfield following road, bridleway and footpath to Benhall Church, from 10:45 on Saturday 4th June — followed by a light finge...
22 May, 2022
Village Green flower troughs
As part of the Village Green development, Snape Parish Council have put two new troughs either side of The Street. They have been funded by a grant from the AONB, and have been planted initially wit...
20 May, 2022
Coping with the Rising Cost of Living
If you are struggling or worried about how you are going to manage due to the rising cost of living, these organisations may be able to help. East Suffolk Council and the Community Partnership Boar...
19 May, 2022
Snape Parish Council AGM
The Parish Council AGM, at which the Chair and Vice-Chair are elected, and Councillors' responsibilities allocated, will be held as usual on the fourth Tuesday of May, the 24th, in the Village Hall a...
17 May, 2022
East Suffolk Annual Report for Town and ...
East Suffolk Council have published the Annual Report for Town and Parish Councils 2021/22. You can read and download the full report here.
10 May, 2022