This was my last year organising the carol singing, and what a successful event it was! We collected £1043, an excellent result, the most we have ever collected! £543 will go to the St Elizabeth's Hospice and the other £500 will go to the village Royal Jubilee Fund.
I had relatively good support from singers and collectors, between six and eight each night. Well done and thank you to you all! We had lovely harmonies with the carols, which really enhanced the event. It was great to see so many children come to the door with their parents and enjoy the singing, it really added to the Christmas atmosphere.
Well done to the residents of Snape, you excelled yourselves! Thank you for being so generous and for supporting this event.
BUT! Will it continue? This one was my last year. I have enjoyed doing it for 15 years, collecting over £10,000 in that time. This is a village tradition that has been going on for 45+ years, maybe much longer. For it to carry on we need someone to take over, to arrange and run the event in this or a similar way… I sometimes get asked, "Why don't you do this?… " or "Why not do that?… ". Well, now is the time for those to come forward and put their ideas into practice! There are carol sheets and red scarves already available.
So, thank you to my regular singers, collectors and lamp-carriers who came out most years and most days in all weathers, but mainly thank you to the residents of Snape who have contributed so much over the years.
I hope you all had a good Christmas and have a healthy New Year.
Chris Scott
[The Carol Singing did not take place in 2020 because of the Covid-19 restrictions.]
Well, what an eventful four nights weather-wise! We seemed to be having a constant battle with the weather… drizzly rain the first two nights, a shortened route the third night because of impending rain, and finally, the fourth night, cut short because of flooding! I do apologise to those houses we missed and may have been expecting us, but the elements proved too much at times!
Thank you to those you came out to sing, although we never had more than seven, but we had a regular group of five who came out whatever the elements. A special thank you to you, because without your support this long-standing village tradition would not be taking place. Next year, please, can we have more support? I will remind you next December…!
Despite everything we managed to raise over £800 for good causes. Over £400 will go to the East Suffolk Association for the Blind; £150 will go to the Good Neighbours Scheme, a recently formed group in the village to assist those less mobile to get around, or to chat; £150 to the School to go toward the purchase of iPads to assist student learning; and £100 to GreenSnape who do a good job in promoting the environment around the village.
Finally, thank you to the village residents. Your contributions show there is a real positive feeling of good will at this time of year.
Chris Scott
The Snape carol singing 2018 turned out to be a very successful event …
Not only was the turnout greatly improved, up to 14 on some nights, but Snape residents gave generously, and we collected £780.00! This was an excellent result, exceeding previous collections.
After expenses (£10 to replace a part on a lantern, which is generously loaned to us for the occasion), £770.00 is being distributed to different organisations — £400.00 will be donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust in East Anglia, to support the teenage cancer unit at Addenbrookes Hospital. This leaves £370.00….
The Grumpy Old Men from the Golden Key have also made a considerable donation for the village causes, so there is now £520.00 to donate — £200.00 will be given to the church building funds, £200.00 for the School nursery and £120.00 to Green Snape.
Overall this has been a very successful year.
Thank you to all those who came and took part, many doing all four evenings! Very commendable, thank you! The refreshments received on our rounds were also much appreciated.
Finally, well done to the village who supported the collection and gave so generously — it wouldn’t be a success without you.
Chris Scott