Over the last five years, we in Snape Good Neighbours have performed well over 600 jobs, mostly driving residents of Snape and the Maltings to Ipswich Hospital and the local doctors. We also host the weekly Meet Up Mondays (MUM) session at The Golden Key, which typically attracts around 20 villagers. Some choose to sit mostly outside (often in the sun!), whilst others prefer the pub's Long Room, but there is continual toing-and-froing between the two!
New members are always welcome — all coffee and cake, tea and biscuits are absolutely free! We meet 10:30 until noon every Monday, including practically every Bank Holiday, though once a month we close slightly early so that the Ladies Who Lunch can ... — well, lunch!
However, this popular MUM initiative is slightly at risk as volunteers step down for health or family reasons, and/or with expanding responsibilities with the Parish Council or local energy campaigns. Helpers make the (especially good!) coffee, lay tables and generally wait at table for 90 minutes — and then tidy up again. Fortunately, Elli and her Crew at the Key kindly do our washing-up afterwards! Our weekly rota has recently reduced to around five people, which we would like to expand by one or two kind individuals, so that we can keep smiling!
If you'd like to know more, whether about MUM itself or helping at it, please feel free to join us any Monday morning, or else make contact with our Secretary, David McKenna at sgns-secretary@snapevillage.info or on ☏ 0748 489 5871. Read too about what we do at https://snapevillage.info/what/mum/ or https://snapevillage.info/news-blog/?Search=MUM.
A reminder too that the Good Neighbours can be reached at ☏ 0754 1754 426 — the number on your fridge magnet. Leave a message and we'll be back to you.
Meet Up Mondays / Snape Good Neighbour Scheme