Meet up Mondays at The Golden Key, 10:30 - 12 noon

IP17 1SG

Our group encourages villagers to come out of their homes for a friendly chat, to drink coffee, eat cake, all for free, every Monday.
This session is arranged by the Snape Good Neighbour Scheme — if you need a lift, please ring them.

Just pop in — it would be really good to see you!  We usually even meet up on Bank Holiday Mondays!

Read more in our several blogs here!

Click here for MUM host rota.
Click on an asterisked image for any underlying story or further pictures.
Dominoes for Cystic Fibrosis       Benefactor's Xmas lunch at Martlesham    Carol Singing


Christmas lunch, 23rd December 2019    
❋Fundraising bingo for Jess Grant Celebration charity on 13th June, 2022    
http://rnli2211❋December 2022: Christmas Carols (Monday 12th) and Lunch (19th)    
November 2022: Visit to Aldeburgh lifeboat
(followed by fish and chips, thanks to Snape Carol Singers)
  ❋24th July 2023: Escaping the drizzle!


We benefit from, and thank them for, the support of Suffolk's Rural Coffee Caravan.

MeetupMondays at other locations (and other days of the week!) are listed here.