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Consultation: Scottish Power Renewables and Sizewell C Development Proposals
Posted on February 24, 2019
Consultation by Snape Parish Council.
The proposed developments for the Friston substation and Sizewell C are both subject to further public consultation. Both projects are part of the Government national infrastructure project and will have a significant local impact both during any build phase but also potentially during their operational phase. The SPR Friston project in particular proposes utilising the A1094 for what appears to be large amounts of HGV and other traffic. The Sizewell C project is proposing access to their site further north but there will be a very significant increase in all types of traffic on the A12.
It is possible that if both projects do proceed that they will overlap during their respective build phases, which has the potential to have even greater direct impact on Snape in terms of general traffic movements, noise and air pollution and impact on tourisms and the AONB, amongst other issues.
The Parish Council is seeking the views of residents and businesses in the village in order to construct a fully informed response to both proposals. ...
Tim Beach, Chairman Snape Parish Council