Scottish Power Renewables – Notes for objections

Posted on March 16, 2019

Following the extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 8th March, here are some guidance notes relating to any possible objection letters you may want to raise with Scottish Power.  Please note you have until midnight 26th March 2019 to send in any objections/concerns.

Bullet points for inclusion in letters sent to SPR arising from the PC meeting with SPR.

Economic/disruption impact of development decision.

1. Ignoring existing landfall locations used for cables from wind-farms, apparently for cost reasons, at the expense of five or more years of disruption.

2. Unsympathetic substation development.  Four-storey buildings/structures in the middle of green fields.

3. Using "AONB" as the excuse to dig up 35 acres of rural countryside.

4. Dismissal of the opportunity to make use of rail and sea access for delivery of materials instead of road transport.

5. No attempt to quantify the negative economic impact on local trade and tourism.

6. No consideration yet of monetary compensation for disruption of tourist trade over several years on which the Suffolk Coast depends.

Transport and Road system

1. Lack of clarity over actual HGV numbers using the unsuitable A1094.

2. Unsuitability of A1094 from A12 to carry HGV's in two directions to/from the development site.  Too narrow and blind corners.

3. Apparent lack of understanding of importance of traffic junction where Church Road (B1069) joins the Farnham Road (A1094).  Tailbacks occur already, adding to traffic pollution.  Junction has been totally omitted from analysis.

Objection letters can be sent to:

Scottish Power Renewables EA2 & EA1N
25 Priestgate

e:                    e:
(The links above are disabled because submissions are no longer being accepted for this stage of the consultation)