UPDATE, 14/5/20: As reported in the recent "UPDATE 3" leaflet delivered to every household in the village, a short Executive Summary of the Housing Needs Survey has been placed on the website (here). The Survey was carried out in October last year, and reported in late January. The Parish Council will continue to follow up that work, together with the various projects relating to traffic-calming throughout the village and enhancement of our community green spaces.
[originally posted on 10/10/19 as "Local Housing Survey DUE" — then on 15/10/19, pointing out that questionnaires are no longer being accepted]
A few weeks ago a Local Housing Needs Survey booklet was circulated to all Snape households by Community Action Suffolk (CAS). On behalf of the Parish Council, we would encourage every household in the village to take the time to complete and return their questionnaire, if you have not already done so. It only takes a few minutes to complete, and the more responses we get, the stronger our evidence base will be.
A summary of the results of the survey will be prepared by CAS and shared by the Parish Council, and will help inform our Village Plan. The closing date for the return of questionnaires is 5pm next Monday, 14th October. You can complete the survey online at www.qa.1sixty.net, using the code on the front page of your "Snape Local Housing Survey" booklet — or by hand, then placed and sealed into the supplied freepost envelope and posted back to Community Action Suffolk.